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Hull Fair By Day Series- 4

It’s strange how Hull Fair doesn’t change.

Every year, some new rides will arrive, interesting ‘nouveau’ food vans appear and the latest craze will be the best prize to win on the stalls- currently Pokémon or emoji, but remember crazy frog?!

But that’s it really. Most of the rides are in the same spot every year, the blaring pop/rave/dance/chav music doesn’t really change and neither does the smells or the amount of people.

And this almost takes Hull fair from being an annual fun fair to a Hullensian landmark! Having recently been to the fair, me now in my twenties, it took me right back to being fifteen again, and standing in the same place I would be with my school friends, surrounded by the exact same rides. It’s such a strange feeling.

It’s a nice feeling and one that, in contrast to most things in today’s world, makes me feel like I’m not getting older.

You can always rely on the fair to provide you with as much candy floss, brandy snap, toffee apples, nougat, pomegranates, coconuts, sweets, chips, burger and hotdogs (and now apparently noodles) as you want. The prices have pretty much remained the same and you still need the same skills today as you did years ago to ‘hook-a-duck’ successfully.

If only more things these days would remain the same, or capture a moment just as perfectly as it did in the past. In a world that is up to the minute, digital and instant, we all should really try to encourage businesses that are built on years of family heritage, and we should help fund these by simply having fun.


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